Jim Ackland, who suffers from a head injury sustained in a bus crash, is the chief suspect in a murder hunt, when a girl that he has just met is found dead on the local common, and he has no alibi for...
In this Freudian version of the Bluebeard tale, a young, trust-funded New Yorker goes to Mexico on vacation before marrying an old friend whom she considers a safe choice for a husband. However, there...
凯瑟琳(洛丽泰·扬 Loretta Young 饰)出生在一个平凡的农户家中,为了能够走进更高一层的阶级中去,凯瑟琳决定前往大城市学习医务护理以便成为一名护士。然而,梦想刚刚扬帆起航便遭遇了海啸,凯瑟琳的全部积蓄都被骗子骗走,她甚至要面临流落街头的悲惨命运。幸运的是,凯瑟琳看到了一则招聘广告,年轻的议员格兰(约瑟夫·科顿 Joseph Cotten 饰)正在为他的豪宅雇佣一名女佣,就这样,凯瑟琳去...
奎诺(Quino)是一位墨西哥潜水员,在海底发现了一颗珍珠。他和他的妻子胡安娜(Juana)及其儿子刚刚拥有了一颗价值数千的珍珠。每天人们都在尝试赚钱,甚至珍珠交易商也试图将其剥夺。奎诺(Quino)有一天受到攻击时,他是为了自卫而杀死攻击者。他的兄弟建议他们唯一的希望是离开村庄。但是,在给儿子提供从未有过的教育的过程中,有人可能会采取任何措施来阻止这种情况。 Quino is a Mexica...