With breath-taking CGI, beautiful landscape footage and some of the world's most important astronomical artefacts, Ancient Skies looks at the cosmos through the eyes of our ancestors, and our chan...
The one weekend when Mr. Moll is home alone with the kids, absolute chaos breaks loose. While working overtime in the chocolate factory Mr. Moll´s kids get into a fight with the neighbour´s kids – a f...
2056 - Company soldier Hannah and scientists Gavin and Dimitri are on board of RUBIKON space station researching an algae project aimed to provide humanity with a permanent supply of oxygen and food. ...
虽然贵为公主,但艾丽莎(劳拉·贝莉 Laura Bailey 配音)的个性实在是太过于活泼了,常常在宫里惹出各种各样的麻烦需要爸爸妈妈帮她善后。为了学习宫中的礼仪,艾丽莎被送到了女王处,严格又古板的女王令艾丽莎头痛不已,她一点都不想变成一个真正的翩翩优雅的公主,她真正想要当的其实是一名海盗!
Gaetan Dugas was openly gay. In early 1980s he contracted what was termed "gay cancer". He provided blood samples and 72 names of his former sex partners. Dugas was demonized for his promisc...