A developmentally delayed 40 year old man named Shonzi is sent to live with his brother Todd. But when Shonzi develops a crush on Todd's new girlfriend Lindsay, he threatens to reveal past secrets...
In the future, the world is seen at risk of takeover by vampires. In the present, Annie, Tom and George look after George's baby Eve after Nina's murder by vampires. Despite her parentage, ......
这部动作惊悚片由Simon Phillips (曾出演“着迷” 和 Just for the Record) 和 Danny Dyer (曾出演“无法无天”, “成年之殇”, “断绝”和“狗舍”) 领衔主演,让观众全程心跳加速,感受无比刺激,描述了伦敦最黑暗角落的黑帮文化。
Nathan (Dyer饰)是一个黑帮团伙成员,这个帮会以臭名昭著的Guv'Nor和他的精神病女儿Natali...