尼克·罗宾森、杰森·克拉克将主演犯罪题材新片[丝绸之路](Silk Road,暂译)。本片由蒂勒·罗素([耻归故里])执导,根据大卫·库什纳发表在《滚石》杂志的文章《丝绸之路的僵局》(Dead End on Silk Road)改编。文章讲述黑客、毒贩罗斯·乌布里希特经营着一个庞大的网上黑市。本片将聚焦乌布里希特以及决心搞垮这个年轻主脑价值10亿美元帝国的缉毒员间的故事。...
The misadventures of a quirky British family, focusing on a man whose office inamorata promptly fired him after being promoted above h im, and featuring his obsessively perfectionist brother, his ex...
In 2047 rebels created an encrypted communication network. Among them, Serena, a teenager secretly develops glasses to detect vortexes. What will this opening to the unknown reveal?...
The development of professional soccer worldwide owes a great debt to the soccer – or "football" – that is played on the streets of France. 從很大程度來說,全球職業足球的發展,都得歸功於在法國街頭玩的足球。...