汤姆(约翰•西姆 John Simm 饰)曾是业内风靡一时的著名记者,报道过许多热点新闻,深受同行们的尊重和读者的喜爱。然而,一场意外的发生让汤姆的生活一落千丈,不得不背井离乡,一晃眼就是十八年过去。 如今,与从前判若两人的汤姆再度踏上的故乡的土地,见到了阔别已久的父亲山姆(吉姆•布劳德本特 Jim Broadbent 饰),让汤姆没有想到的是,曾经将其视为偶像和人生标杆的父亲,如今变成了坐...
Luisa has a habit of bringing her dates home, irritating her son, Cesar. When Cesar invites his best friend Pablo over for a sleepover, Luisa's flirtations become too much to bear, especially as Cesar...
An iconic artist at an iconic location. This concert film captures several mesmerizing live performances from the renowned German composer and producer Nils Frahm at the legendary Funkhaus Berlin. E...
一窺影集《獵魔士》的幕後實況,從選角到亞斯克爾琅琅上口的歌曲,細細探索劇中不可思議的世界。 Journey into the extraordinary world of "The Witcher" — from casting the roles to Jaskier's catchy song — in this behind-the-scenes look ...