初来乍到的英国人盖瑞(卡洛斯·欧德利 Carlos Ottery 饰)在三里屯刚落下脚,便迫不及待地想要大干一场,实现他的“中国梦”。然而在北京人生地不熟的他却在寻求投资的路上处处碰壁。正在盖瑞一筹莫展之际,一个自诩中国通的澳洲人福来克(阿福)(克里斯·楼顿 Christopher Loton 饰),帮他谋了份教英文的差事糊口。同时,福来克还毛遂自荐地当上了盖瑞的军师,为他指点迷津。与此同时,盖瑞...
Based on a well-known Polish novel with the same title the movie re-tells a true life story of a group of scouts called ''Szare...
Grammy Award-winning and chart-topping artist Billie Eilish will make her Disney+ debut with "Happier than Ever: A Love Letter to Los Angeles," a cinematic concert experience....