CREEPSHOW, the new anthology series based on the 1982 horror comedy classic, is still the most fun you’ll ever have being scared! A comic book comes to life in a series of vignettes, exploring terrors...
Jack's mother is taken from him, but her garden leaves more to remember her by than he first thought. Then, three teens meet their favorite pop star and realize she's not at all what they
16岁的美丽少女阿贝尔(琳达·达内尔 Linda Darnell 饰)离开了让她倍感压抑的原生家庭,前往伦敦,投奔一个名叫布鲁斯(Jefferson Pascal 饰)男人。很快,这对小情侣就花光了所有的积蓄,为了维持生计,布鲁斯出海成为了一名走私犯,而阿贝尔则在误打误撞之中进了监狱,此时她震惊的发现,腹中已经怀上了布鲁斯的孩子。 在强盗杰克(约翰·拉塞尔 John Russell 饰)的帮助之...
丹尼尔(拉尔夫·马奇奥 Ralph Macchio 饰)在一场万众瞩目的比赛中战胜了克瑞斯的徒弟,取得头筹,这让好胜心极强的克瑞斯恼羞成怒,竟然出手痛打徒弟。最终,身败名裂的克瑞斯被迫关闭了道场,在行业内销声匿迹。 泰瑞(托马斯·伊安·格里菲斯 Thomas Ian Griffith 饰)是克瑞斯的好友,看到曾经风光一时的友人如今落得老鼠过街人人喊打的境地,愤怒的他决心向丹尼尔寻仇。通过幕后操纵...