十九世纪的美国西部,一辆马车在荒漠中行驶着。车上有九个素不相识的乘客。其中有被镇上驱赶的妓女Dallas(克莱尔·特雷弗 Claire Trevor 饰),一个酒鬼医生Doc Boone (托马斯·米切尔 Thomas Mitchell饰),寻找丈夫的孕妇Lucy Mallory,威士忌商人Samuel Peacock,逃狱为父报仇的Ringo Kid(约翰·韦恩 John Wayne 饰)。一路...
Antonio Poyju is a sorcerer who belongs to a powerful blood lineage. Antonio is being held in a asylum against his will. After an omen, Antonio understands of a great imminent danger. Her daughter Hel...
一个年轻的拿破仑军官追踪一个神秘的女人而来到一个年迈男爵的城堡,在那里他发现这个女人是听命于一个老巫婆,其最终目的是迫使男爵自杀…… Roger directed for two days on a set left over from a previous production, and without a proper script. He hired Francis Coppola to ...
初出茅庐的鲁迪·贝勒(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon饰)是刚踏进律师界的新手。一腔热血的鲁迪接手的第一个案子是一宗涉及医疗保险赔偿的诉讼。无助的母亲,生命垂危的儿子,拒绝支付医疗费的保险公司,不择手段的辩护律师,一切都跟当初设想的大相径庭。面对种种举步维艰的行业阴暗面和陷于困境的弱势群体,鲁迪至始至终都没有放弃他的正义之心。影片的另一条主线还有一位遭受家庭暴力的受虐少妇。影片用写实的手法,向...
Respected black cavalry Sergeant Brax Rutledge stands court-martial for raping and killing a white woman and murdering her father, his superior officer....
In the aftermath of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the members of a PT boat squadron patrol Philippine waters and attack Japanese ships. The PT boat initially had little respect from senior Na...