霓虹闪烁的大都会,夜幕低垂,细雨绵绵。正驱车巡逻的警察萨奇(艾瑞克·巴纳 Eric Bana 饰)和巴特勒(乔尔·麦克哈尔 Joel McHale 饰)接到报警中心传来的指示,前往某栋公寓查探情况,最终逮捕了涉嫌殴打妻子的前海军陆战队成员吉米(克里斯·科伊 Chris Coy 饰)。之后二人再度前往动物园查案,因为此前有一个癫狂的母亲将孩子扔进狮子园。萨奇在那里不仅险些丧命,还遭遇一个神秘诡异...
The special, which comes as Borstein and her co-stars embark on another crowded awards season, is being billed as the three-time Emmy winner’s “deeply personal and wildly fictitious account of one w...
Shudder Studio71’s Cinepocalypse Bloody Disgusting-produced VHS99 isn’t even out yet and we’re already rewinding all the way back to the 1980s with VHS85! ...