丹尼(保罗•路德 Paul Rudd 饰)与惠勒(西恩•威廉•斯科特 Seann William Scott 饰)是一对工作搭档,他们略显怪异的工作是向学生们广播毒品危害并宣传红牛饮料的禁毒计划。惠勒乐此不疲,但35岁的丹尼却为这份乏味的工作所苦恼,他刻薄的性格终于令女友无法忍受,在丹尼用求婚来试图挽回日益滑落的爱情与人生时,得到的却是女友的拒绝,情绪失控的丹尼暴力抗法,连累惠勒和他一起从事社区工...
The summer of 1939, France and Provence, 14 year old boy Julian is infatuated with her cousin Julia, Julia and his family lived in a sm all hotel, unfortunately, she ignored him, because she is the ...
A highly intelligent, but accelerated nerdish boy falls in love (for the first time) with an older girl and goes through several obstacles after another to gain not only her heart, but the acceptanc...
A medical school dropout and a housewife/mom try to make it as stand-up comedians. They become friends and help each other out at an NYC comedy club....
第十五季 (播出目录) (2020) Season 15 , S15E01 南马都尔岛之谜 The Mystery of Nan Madol (2020年01月 25日播出); S15E02 罗斯威尔残骸 The Relics of Roswell (2020年02月01日播出); S15E03 目的地智利 Destination Chile (2020年02月08日播出); S15...
第十六季 (播出目录) (2020) Season 16 , S16E01 神圣的数字 The Divine Number (2020年11月13日播出); S16E02 失落的王国 The Lost Kingdom (2020年11月20日播出); S16E03 银河钥匙孔 The Galactic Keyhole (2020年12月04日播出); S16E04 地中海巨人 Gia...
古代外星人理论家认为在数千年前,外星人登陆地球,在那时他们被奉为神明,并且帮助塑造了人类文明。但有什么证据可以证明这种遭遇呢? Ancient alien theorists believe that thousands of years ago, extraterrestrials landed on Earth, where they were hailed as gods and he...