It tells the story of Jem who can only think of her handsome youth pastor. When they start an affair, her chaste life is thrown into turmoil, jeopardizing her place in her family and the only world sh...
Florida party girl Rex (Roberts) turns out to be the only hope for the NASA space program after a fluke puts her in training with other candidates who may have better resumes, but don't have her smart...
The New Gate是一部大型多人线上游戏,而玩家被迫困在这个游戏里进行死亡游戏,若是不打赢最终BOSS的守护者,便无法登出游戏。男主角进是The New Gate的老手集最强玩家之一,在打赢守护者后,系统传来了游戏破关,能够执行登出的时候,本来打算确认完全部玩家登出后再登出时,身后却出现一道未曾看过的大门,伴随著强光而打开的大门,进醒来后却发现自己身处于与游戏相同的世界,并辗转得知自己穿越到...