The 19 years old Thomas wakes up in a hospital after three years in a coma. He doesn't remember anything. The psychologist Anna tells him that his family has been murdered and that he is the only ...
On the eve of forced retirement, a violent hurricane traps veteran late night radio host Amy Marlowe and her uneasy staff at WLST while her mysterious new replacement shadows her every move....
Lucas Jackson(保罗•纽曼 Paul Newman 饰),一个越战的退伍兵,在一个喝醉酒的夜里拆掉了镇上的停车计时器而被判两年的监禁。一开始,他就挑战监狱里的领袖人物Dragline(乔治•肯尼迪 George Kennedy 饰)。Dragline个头比Lucas大得多,把Lucas打得毫无还手之力,但Lucas却一直拒绝屈服,因此赢得了Dragline的尊重。而在监狱的扑克比赛中,...