别名:The Sinful Nuns of Saint Valentine (1974) Lucita已经被锁在一个修道院由她的家人为了让她远离她的情人,埃斯特万。两人出谋划策私奔,但埃斯特班被指控为异端前Lucita能逃脱。躲在修道院,埃斯特班发现了柯文特的住持,姐姐化身可怕的堕落。可以埃斯特班从这个疯人院救他的爱才打破砂锅发现是怎么回事,并已执行的每个人?
Between February and October 1917, Imperial Russia, once deemed eternal, plunges into revolution. Nine months of popular and spontaneous revolt, fueled by the weariness of the Great War. Nine months o...
Anna, hoping to escape from the disturbing past and find peace, escapes to a secluded mountain chalet. But the old life catches up with her even here. The house is bugged, which means Anna will have t...
美军一名飞行员在南美洲的原始森林失踪了,那里盘踞着不怎么友好的当地游击队。美军特种兵少校达奇(阿诺?施瓦辛格 Arnold Schwarzenegger)率领部下亲自前往搜救。他们在森林里很快就发现了失踪的飞行员的尸体,死状恐怖。大家都认为那是当地的游击队干的,愤怒的队 员开始寻找当地游击队的基地,要为同伴报仇。