A glance leads to a smile, a smile to a rendezvous: every love story begins the same way. These narratives are stored in songs and poems and live on beyond their inevitable endings, as Shakespeare’s...
一次偶然中,迪恩(杰米·贝尔 Jamie Bell 饰)发现了好友特里(Josh Janowicz 饰)的尸体,死因为自杀。迪恩并没有将这件事情告诉他人。原来,特里是学校中的一名贩毒头目,随着他的死亡,他所控制的一大批毒品下落不明,如何搞到这批毒品并借此获利才是迪恩真正感兴趣的事情。 为了得知毒品的下落,迪恩计划绑架特里的弟弟查瑞(格伦·克洛斯 Glenn Close 饰),没想到,最后他们...
表面上看来,麦克斯(杰西卡·阿尔芭 Jessica Alba 饰)是一名十八岁的普通快递员,但实际上,经过基因改造而成为了超级武器的她曾是美国秘密组织基因改造兵团中的一员。麦克斯因为超常的战斗能力而被军方禁锢,之后,无法忍受如同囚徒一般的生活的她以身试险逃出了基地,回归到了自由的生活之中。 一次偶然中,记者罗根(迈克尔·韦瑟利 Michael Weatherly 饰)识破了麦克斯的真实身份,...
After the tragic deaths of her husband and daughter, Sarah Doyle moves back to her childhood home with her estranged brother, Richard. It's not long before Sarah begins to experience supernatural phen...
After a dangerous sea crossing and a stay in a camp in Malaysia, the young Vietnamese Tinh and her family are accepted as refugees in Canada and arrive in Montreal where they begin their new life. B...