Using an octocopter, historian Bettany Hughes and aerial archaeologist Ben Robinson, explore various sites of historic interest from a new perspective, the air....
【第一集:汉尼拔的背水一战 Hannibal’s Last Stand】
【第二集:斯巴达克斯起义 The Spartacus Revolt】
【第三集:跨过卢比孔河 Crossing The Rubicon】
【第四集:罗马始皇帝 Rome’s First Emperor】
【第五集:布狄卡的复仇 Boudica’s Revenge】
【第六集:尼禄的倒台 The ...
Mara (Campbell), a young professor struggling through marriage, only to meet Matt (Johnson), a man from her past who wanders onto her university campus....