A coming-of-age story about two adolescents facing racism in their adopted families, while confronting a society where immigration has become a divisive issue....
根据拉玛三世(Rama III, 1824年至1851年在位)在暹罗(现在的泰国的旧名)统治时期的一首诗,这个故事讲述了女同性恋在皇家后宫的关系。
前宫太子的妃子坤康和忽素,彼此之间都隐藏着超越友谊的感情。他们只能远远地互相照顾,直到前宫经过,苏特被请到桑王子的姐姐维拉斯公主的宏 伟宫殿里服务。只有康(Kham)独自漂泊,最终不得不与父亲卡拉姆(Khram)一起返回家乡安帕瓦(Amphawa...
A love story between two boys from completely different worlds—THANG and BINH—who are opposites in personality and family background, yet share a deep passion for music....
In 1930, Germany was awarded the privilege of hosting the 1936 Olympic Games. However, that gesture to bring Germany back into the world community became problematic when the Nazis took over the natio...