Polio breaks out in Rio de Janeiro, the serum is in Santiago and there's only one way to get the medicine where it's desperately needed: flown in by daring pilots who risk the treacherous we...
性情刻薄、冷酷的守财奴埃比尼泽•斯克鲁奇(金•凯瑞 Jim Carrey 配音),面对温暖的圣诞节,却表现出讨厌周遭的一切庆祝活动。圣诞临近,他想尽办法去剥削他那忠诚可靠的雇员鲍勃•克莱切特(加里•奥德曼 Gary Oldman 配音)以及爽朗乐观的侄子弗莱德(科林•费斯 Col in Firth 配音)。打从一开始,埃比尼泽根本就无心享受假期,只想像平常那样独自一个人待在家里。让埃比尼泽想象...
Neil Oliver returns to continue his epic story of how Britain and its people came to be, from the height of the Bronze Age through to the age of Iron, the Celts and the first kings to the age of Rom...
踏入二千年以来,Madonna这位已「女人四十」的流行音乐天后似乎有一种愈战愈勇之势。2005年,Madonna在出版过一张以Future Disco为大前提的Confessions On A Dance Floor专辑(也是其第十张专辑)、重拾她的Dancing Queen / Queen Of Clubland姿态后,再引伸出是两款她的DVD录像出品:先是为其04年Reinvention ...
越战期间,美军大量征兵。大批年轻人应征入伍,在新兵营接受“残忍”的训练。“傻瓜”比尔运动神经不发达,常常犯错而连累所有人一起受罚。“小丑”(马修•莫迪恩 Matthew Modine 饰)奉命帮助比尔,但比尔还是老犯错误,连累其他人。大家忍无可忍下打了他一顿,比尔从此变得精神恍惚,在新兵营毕业前夕枪杀教官后吞枪自杀。...