阿黛尔·艾克萨勒霍布洛斯、诺亚·阿比塔([艾娃])、穆斯塔法·因宾格([阿敏])格将主演蕾雅·梅西斯([艾娃])执导的第二部长片[五个恶魔](Les Cinq Diables,暂译)。影片由梅西斯与保罗·圭哈姆共同执笔,故事围绕7岁的女孩维琪展开。她与父母住在法国的一个小山村,毗邻一个被称为“五个恶魔”的大湖。小女孩与她的母亲过于亲近,以至于父亲在家庭中很难找到自己的位置。但当维琪的姨妈朱莉娅到来...
Bouzid’s sophomore film details the sexual awakening of Ahmed, a young French man of Algerian origins. His encounters with Farah, recently arrived from Tunis, paired with Arab erotic literature, force...
吉姆·布劳德本特、克里斯汀·韦格、莎莉·霍金斯、玛吉·史密斯加盟影片[圣诞男孩](A Boy Called Christmas,暂译),其他卡司包括佐伊·玛格丽特·科莱蒂([狂野生活])、托比·琼斯([金发缪斯])、米契尔·哈思曼(《鬼入侵》)等。吉尔·克兰([怪兽屋])执导,吉尔与欧·帕克([涉外大饭店])共同操刀剧本。 故事改编自马特·海格同名畅销书,讲述11岁的尼古拉斯和父亲住在一起,尼古...
Two estranged brothers reunite at their missing father's video store to liquidate the property and sell off his assets. As they dig through the store, they find a VCR board game dubbed 'Beyond...
In 2050, Earth has become a dry and desolate place. Fighter pilot Nova is forced to travel back in time to prevent a devastating environmental disaster, however an unforeseen side-effect of time trave...