别名:Storie di ordinaria follia nbsp; / Tales of The Ordinary Madness nbsp; 意大利最具原创性和个人风格的电影艺术大师之一。他的作品以生猛的讽刺、放浪的情欲、骇人的主题和画面著称。本片改编自美国诗人查理斯?布考斯基(Bukowski,1920-1994)的小说。他号称;新海明威酒鬼诗人,被誉为美国当代最伟大的写实作家,;无赖 的...
Simon Sinestrari is one of the few true male witches that exist. His ultimate goal is to leave the earth to bee a god, and the time for this event is at hand. Is Simon capable of fooling the gods, an...