Survivors of a tragic shipping collision are rescued by a mysterious black ship which appears out of the fog. Little do they realise that the ship is actually a Nazi torture ship which has sailed the ...
亚历克斯·沃尔夫(《勇敢者游戏》《恐袭波士顿》)将执导个人首部电影长片《猫与月亮》(The Cat and the Moon),他自己编写剧本并担任主演,卡司还包括米莎·巴顿、迈克·艾普斯(《星路多懊悔》《生化危机3》)、斯凯勒·吉桑多(《小镇滋味》《博物馆奇妙夜3》)、斯蒂芬妮娅·欧文(《可爱的骨头》《凯莉日记》)、汤米·尼尔森(《月升王国》)等。 讲述青少年尼克(沃尔夫)来到纽约,与已故父亲...
A mysterious young man suffering a rare blood disease that colors his skin blue meets a young woman who looks beyond his unusual appearance as she struggles with dark secrets of her own....
Award winning writer, celebrity Mark Travis seeks inspiration by returning to his hometown. What he finds is not what he expected. Her name is Holly. What Holly would do, is like nothing Mark has ever...
地球上一直存在着一个黑暗的地下世界。那里,两大种族――吸血鬼和狼人――在斗得你死我活,每一方都以消灭对方种族为最终目标。 一次,吸血鬼族的“月神”西丽妮(凯特•贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)在追杀几个落败的狼人时发现,狼人正在密谋绑架人类的一名医生麦克尔 (斯科特•斯比德曼 Scott Speedman 饰)。心知狼人必有所图,西丽妮独自前往狼窝查探。不料中了狼人的埋伏,身负重伤...