Golden Bear winner Peter Mackie Burns has started shooting his London-set debut feature Daphne, production company The Bureau has revealed.
Emily Beecham [pictured] - who features in the cast of Ber...
After 15 years, a single father moves home from Hawaii with his two sons and, through a series of coincidences--or Godwinks, ends up stuck in traffic next to his high school sweetheart....
孤儿西蒙(方·基默 Val Kilmer 饰)幼时生活在教会孤儿院中,那里留给他的,除了施洗者约翰的新名字与严苛的惩罚以外,还有撬门开锁的能力。多年以后,西蒙已经是著名的大盗,他计划筹措5000万之后洗手不干,享受人生。西蒙受命远赴莫斯科,盗取了政党领袖兼石油寡头伊万(拉德·舍博德兹加 Rade Serbedzija 饰)的芯片,自此与伊万父子“结缘”。西蒙为高额报酬再度接受任务,而这次的雇主居然...