商场保安保罗(凯文·詹姆斯 Kevin James 饰)的梦想是成为一名警察,但低血糖的体质让他在新泽西警察学校的考试中再次失败,保罗带着颓意返回家中,母亲和女儿给予安慰并劝说他再找一位爱人。保罗又开始了每天平淡的工作:指路或是被商场的孩子们捉弄,但今天,他的目光被假发柜台的艾米(杰玛·梅斯 Jayma Mays 饰)深深吸引,保罗希望在艾米面前彰显男儿本色,但无奈庞大的身躯和偏弱的体质总是令他的...
In an attempt to rectify their criminal past, a once successful Hollywood starlet, turn prostitute, and a petty, misogynistic thief, set out together to solve a high profile child abduction case in Sa...
After waking up in the middle of a forest with no memories, a young woman is targeted by mysterious strangers with a motive as unclear as her way back home....
4 couples, chacun à un stade différent de sa relation amoureuse.
Ce chassé croisé amoureux est cristallisé par le fait qu’il se déroule la semaine de la Saint-Valentin à Paris, capital de l’amour. I...
Henry Warner has wife that wants somebody else's life, a teenage daughter who wants her own apartment, an 8 year old daughter who wants to be Wayne Gretzky, his mother-in-law hates him and his fiv...