Akerman's Toute une nuit is a collection of vignettes depicting the fancies and dramatic moments of a number of people throughout one summer night. The film has little dialogue and relies on a remarka...
翻拍自《妮诺契卡》 A musical remake of Ninotchka After three bumbling Soviet agents fail in their mission to retrieve a straying Soviet composer from Paris, the beautiful, ultra-serious Ninotchka is sent to c...
After troubled teen Katie is sentenced to house arrest, she falls for an attractive young man named John who has just moved in next door. While their affair seems harmless at first, Katie becomes incr...
泛消费公司已完全掌控了底特律市之后,与日本金光财团合作组建OCP,在底特律开发三角洲城,并招揽雇佣兵组成暴力改建队,驱逐居民,相当数量的拆迁地居民为捍卫家园组成武装力量反抗财阀的不义计划,女童妮科(Remy Ryan Hernandez 饰)凭借高超的电脑技术在反抗军中表现抢眼。机器战警墨菲(Robert John Burke 饰)与老搭档路易斯执行任务期间偶然发现了居民们的藏身地点,出于正义...
Both a biopic of a complicated man and an exploration of the gathering forces that converged to shape a new American cuisine and create the cult of "celebrity chef"... A consummate hedonis...