It is Friday night and five friends gather at a house in rural Australia. Their parents are out of town and it is time to celebrate the end of another school week. No big deal; just a few drinks, a fe...
A contemporary comedy about two people who meet just as their previous relationships have imploded in ugly fashion. In a desperate bid to reboot their romantic fortunes, they play fast and loose wit...
We love bread, chocolate and dairy products so much that Britain is home to some seriously impressive production lines! But how do your kitchen essentials make it to the shops (and consquently, the ...
阿莫多瓦担任监制之一,艾美奖导演夫妇至西班牙马德里费时7年拍摄,重新省视佛朗哥曾经的历史,将那段「共同遗忘的历史」重新审视。 1975年11月20日,独裁政权的佛朗哥终于逝世,西班牙开始推动君主立宪,并将当时被关押政治犯全部特赦,然而在佛朗哥政权时代的人也同时被特赦,西班牙政党也达成了「遗忘协定(Pack of Forgetting)」,将这段历史选择遗忘。随著导演夫妇的拍摄,从一位80岁老...