The story follows in the wake of Sylvie who lives in Brest with her two children, Sofiane and Jean-Jacques, whom she’s raising on her own. Together, they’re a joyous family who pull together in the fa...
根据HBO大热剧集《黑道家族》改编的电影将问世,新线正在打造该剧前传电影[纽瓦克圣人](The Many Saints of Newark,暂译)。原剧编剧兼监制大卫·切斯及编剧劳伦斯·康纳尔操刀新片剧本,大卫·切斯任制片。影片故事背景设定在上世纪60年代纽瓦克暴力活动猖獗地带,黑帮争斗频发。该剧于1999年至2007年播出,共六季,获21项艾美奖、5项金球奖。原剧主演詹姆斯·甘多菲尼、弗兰克·文...
4 couples, chacun à un stade différent de sa relation amoureuse.
Ce chassé croisé amoureux est cristallisé par le fait qu’il se déroule la semaine de la Saint-Valentin à Paris, capital de l’amour. I...
Mary and Gary want to be 'normal parents'. But their house needs a werewolf-proof basement - can they ever be 'normal'? As much as they worry about the parents they're going to be, they worry what spe...
在一个普通的夜晚,约翰(斯科特·阿金斯 Scott Adkins 饰)的家被几名蒙面人闯入,他遭到对方无情痛击,血流满面,疼痛难耐,接着妻子与可爱的女儿便在眼前被匪徒们枪杀。在昏迷长达数月后,约翰苏醒过来,他清楚记得曾摘下头套以真面目示人的匪徒头目的长相,从负责此案的FBI探员口中得知,此人名叫卢克·戴沃洛克斯(尚格·云顿 Jean-Claude Van Damme 饰),曾经是一名孔武骠悍的军人...
Paul (Morgan) investigates his late father's increasingly disturbing past and becomes suspicious of the mysterious, melancholic, and possibly dangerous, Madeleine (Ardant)....