4 couples, chacun à un stade différent de sa relation amoureuse.
Ce chassé croisé amoureux est cristallisé par le fait qu’il se déroule la semaine de la Saint-Valentin à Paris, capital de l’amour. I...
The unemployed Duval is contacted by a mysterious organization to transcribe intercepted calls. He accepts the job with no suspicions, since it restores stability to his life, but it will soon result ...
布鲁诺·杜蒙正在筹备迷你剧《小孩子》第二季《库安库安,周遭的人》(Coincoin And The Extra-human,暂译)。第二季依旧围绕不适应周遭的坎坎展开,此时他已长大,告别了自己的昵称库安库安。坎坎终日游走在周边,和好友胖子参加党派会议,儿时的挚爱夏娃也为了一个女人而离开了他。新一季不仅将涉及大量科幻元素,还将融入移民危机问题和民粹政治的崛起等社会热点。杜蒙依旧选择在法国北部的奥...
Mort Colvins是一家动漫店的老板,对于电影漫画他有着自己独特的见解,Ellen Peter在他的店里打工,两个人经常聊天,相处的不错,下班Ellen开车载Mort回家,一切看似进展顺利,然而Mort并不能摆脱自己的奇妙想法,他有着不同寻常的梦,怀着年少时的纯真,这天早上Ellen像往常一样载他上班,路过一处草地,Mort下车凝视这一片空地,讲述了曾经有一个失踪女孩的故事,原本平静的生活从...
A former Britpop rocker who now works on an organic farm gets caught driving drunk and faces deportation after living in Los Angeles for 20 years. In his efforts to stay in the U.S., he must confront ...