把罗马焚城后,惨无人道的暴君尼禄(查尔斯·劳顿 Charles Laughton 饰)将矛头指向基督徒,开始大规模肆意捕杀基督徒。不仅如此,尼禄更颁布了法令把抓获的基督徒送往竞技场。罗马最高军事军官马库斯(弗雷德里克·马奇 Fredric March 饰)奉命残杀这些捕获的基督徒。被抓的基督徒中有两名老者准备逃跑,马库斯本欲逮捕他们,然而当马库斯看到他们的继女麦西卡(爱丽莎·兰迪 Elissa L...
Kat Emerson could really use a Christmas miracle! The aspiring singer-songwriter may have big dreams, but she has even bigger problems. Treated like a servant by her vain stepmother and self-involved ...
In 1672, two witches (Jennifer and her father Daniel) were burned by puritan Jonathan Wooley. In revenge, Jennifer cursed all future generations of the Wooley family, that the sons will always marry t...