Henry Crabbe is a detective inspector who gets shot in the line of duty, following which he wants to retire to open a restaurant--the titular Pie in the Sky--as cooking, especially of good English-sty...
近未来,名为ZN1的神秘病毒蔓延全球,导致成千上万的人变成嗜血如命的丧尸,而被他们咬过的人则很快受到感染成为丧尸的同类。美国政府彻底瘫痪,人类面临灭亡的厄运。在上纽约一处临时聚集点,国民警卫队负责人查尔斯·加内特(Tom Everett Scott 饰)和搭档罗伯塔·沃伦(Kellita Smith 饰)迎来了意外的访客。来者名叫马克·哈蒙德(Harold Perrineau 饰),自称是三角洲部...
《童话归来 Once Upon a Time》的Robert Carlyle及《王冠 The Crown》的Victoria Hamilton将主演政治题材6集Sky One英剧《内阁作战室 Cobra》。这部Ben Richards负责执笔的剧集主角为英国首相Robert Sutherland(Robert Carlyle饰)及总参谋长Anna Marshall(Victoria Hamilto...
In the second series, Adam goes on a date with a girl who smells like Mum, Jonny starts going out with a much older woman, Mum is forced out of the house by a mouse, Dad starts drying fish in the down...