Defying the moral constraints of Victorian England and her parents, a young woman engages in unbridled promiscuity with two partners before setting out to capture the fuller sensuality of life itsel...
老片《希望与荣耀》Hope and Glory (1987),通过一个九岁男孩的眼睛描绘了二战初期的伦敦,这个被认为是后方的地方,其实是另一个战场。 多少影片表述过战争的残酷,多少影片告诉你,战争的摧毁之手,让一切纯真消失殆尽,一切美好化为乌有。比如引起轰动的类似题材《安妮日记》,冷静而残忍地告诉你,怎样的保护,怎样的小心翼翼,纯真便是世上最脆弱而一触即破的东西,在残忍的实事来临时,其命运就...
Abducted off the sidewalk of suburban America, fifteen year old Dani finds herself submerged in the horrific underground world of human trafficking. With no initial assistance from the police, Dani's ...