The only daughter of Santa Claus (Barry Bostwick "Spin City") wants to experience the "real world" before she must marry the son of Jack Frost and take over the family business. Ca...
兰伯特闹鬼事件数年前,美丽的花季女孩奎恩·布伦纳(斯戴芬妮·斯考特 Stefanie Scott 饰)辗转找到已经退休的灵媒伊莉丝(林·沙烨 Lin Shaye 饰)。奎恩的妈妈在一年半前去世,但是她总感觉妈妈就在身边,她渴望能和妈妈再说上几句话。被奎恩真挚的情感所打动,伊莉丝决定帮她一把,谁知却似乎与某个可怕的众生建立了联系,伊莉丝告诫女孩决不能再尝试与亡母沟通。在此之后,热爱表演的奎恩回到原有...
在华盛顿特区以西20哩的小镇上,农夫汤姆(查理•辛 Charlie Sheen 饰)的田中出现了怪圈,当地记者辛迪(安娜•法瑞丝 Anna Faris 饰)对这条新闻颇为留意,不顾上层反对着力调查,汤姆的弟弟乔治(西蒙•雷克斯 Simon Rex 饰)痴迷嘻哈音乐无心农业令汤姆颇为头疼。在怪圈出现后,小镇上的孩子们出现了诸多怪异表现。辛迪的朋友布兰达在看了一部录像带后离奇死亡,而辛迪本人也接到...
Emma Bovary is bored by her country doctor husband and gives in to the affections of several rich suitors as well as the temptation of living beyond her husband's means....
The documentary follows the main stages of Janis Joplin’s life, from her performance at Monterey Pop in 1967 to Woodstock in 1969 and Festival Express in 1970, including interviews with relatives, fri...