After breaking out of his confinement, Charlie cuts the ship's power once again and embarks on a murderous rampage. As Olivia finds herself one step closer to Rachel, Gloria pulls away ...
Gala's life collapsed when her husband accuses family in financial improprieties. To escape criminals Gala, Julia(mother), daughter hide out in a town in northern Spain. Trying to remain anonymo...
一群矿工在沙漠中意外发现了一种白色的、黏黏的"东西"(the stuff),尝起来甜甜的、很美味,美味到有点儿让人上瘾。于是这种东西被开采出来,包装成雪糕的样子进行销售,并号称“零糖分、零卡路里、质感幼滑、美味大满足”。 the stuff很快俘获了全国消费者的心,大幅占据市场,使其他雪糕销售一落千丈。于是,雪糕行业聘了一个专卖垃圾食品的商人(Garrett Morris...