Tracy meets Nick in the third installment of the trilogy, and he helps her save an original draft of The New Colossus in exchange for her helping him run his restaurant. Tracy begins to feel uneasy ...
哈尔乔丹(Hal Jordan)原本是一名试飞员,后被飞船在地球坠毁的绿灯侠Abin Sur的戒指召唤成为“绿灯侠”、负责保卫地球和银河地区的治安。在多年的战斗中他立下了赫赫功劳,被称为“史上最伟大的绿灯侠”,同时也是“正义联盟”(JLA)的创立者之一。 绿灯誓言: In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my si...
Tracy meets Nick in the third installment of the trilogy, and he helps her save an original draft of The New Colossus in exchange for her helping him run his restaurant. Tracy begins to feel uneasy ...
"The One" tells the incredible and true story of a young woman who survived a fall from more than 5 km. Wounded and hurt, she had to struggle several days in the wilderness before being re...