在大洋深处的南礁,以大白鲨里诺(罗伯特•德•尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰)为首的鲨鱼黑帮横行霸道,不可一世,其他鱼类对他们又恨又怕,时刻希望有人(鱼?)出来主持公道,消灭这群恶棍。里诺虽然邪恶,不过却格外疼爱他的儿子弗兰奇(Michael Imperioli 配音)和兰尼(杰克•布莱克 Jack Black 配音)。与凶暴的父亲和哥哥不同,兰尼心地善良,平易近鱼,甚至还是个素食主义者。...
Borgen is a drama sensation from the producers of the acclaimed series The Killing. Following the intricate and complicated lives of politicians, media spinners and the reporters who feed off their tr...
Borgen synopsis season 3
Borgen is about the political power play in Denmark today. It is a drama series that deals with the personal costs and consequences of the struggle for pow...
贝卡(安娜·肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 饰)率领的巴顿大学阿卡贝拉女子美声合唱团终于出人头地,应邀为美国总统的生日宴会光荣献唱。谁知表演期间,“胖艾美”(蕾蓓尔·威尔森 Rebel Wilson 饰)竟意外走光,引起全场恐慌,令合唱团蒙上不雅污名,更被禁止公开演出!力挽狂澜的最后机会,就是赢得阿卡贝拉世界锦标赛的冠军,她们能否战胜来自德国的劲敌,挽回失去的名声,称霸阿卡贝拉的世界……...