A sparkling four-way affair overflowing with dialogue that showcases writer-director Sacha Guitry’s wit, Quadrille stars Guitry as a magazine editor whose longtime girlfriend (whom he hopes to make hi...
功夫片传奇影星李小龙的生平故事即将被好莱坞搬上大银幕,这部影片叫做《龙之诞生》(Birth of the Dragon),由QED国际和Groundswell制片公司联合制作,影片不仅是李小龙生平传记,也会是一部功夫动作片。故事将集中在李小龙较少人谈及的一面,包括1965年在旧金山他与另一武林高手黄泽民的闭门决斗。...
Life story of a charming scoundrel, with little dialogue other than the star/director's witty narration. As a boy, only he survives a family tragedy when he's deprived of supper (poisonous mus...