前墨西哥联邦探员弯刀(丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo 饰)不顾上司的命令,执意追查犯罪头目特雷(史蒂文·席格 Steven Seagal 饰),结果反遭暗算,致令妻女被杀。三年后,弯刀在德州靠近墨西哥边境的地方打工糊口。偶然机缘下,他被神秘人物(杰夫·费伊 Jeff Fahey 饰)相中,受聘刺杀推行强硬移民政策的参议员约翰·迈克劳林(罗伯特·德尼罗 Robert De Niro 饰),但在行...
This series is set in the long hot summer of 1959 and wedding season is in full swing in the Cambridgeshire village of Grantchester.
As the Reverend Will Davenport unites happy couples in holy matri...
When the body of his oldest friend is found buried in a shallow grave, Dan, a small-town cop, seeks answers from a volatile Hermit who may have been the last person to see his friend alive....
For the Goodman family, Friday Night Dinner is just like Sunday lunch: just take two days away, add an extra course and you've pretty much got it.
Adam and his brother Jonny view Friday night di...
Miranda(米兰达·哈特 Miranda Hart 饰)是一个身高一米八三、身形魁梧、胃口极佳、常常被人误叫做“sir”的名副其实的女汉子。她开了一家半吊子的玩笑商店,请了自己最好的朋友Stevie(萨拉·哈德兰 Sarah Hadland 饰)做店老板。Miranda妈妈最大的愿望就是把芳龄35的女儿嫁出去,积极为她安排各种各样的相亲。事实上,Miranda早就有意中人,他就是帅气高大又带点...