Maggie Cooper thinks it would be so cool if her son Lloyd were gay. So cool in fact that she signs him up for a college scholarship for gay kids, sets him up on dates and then for good measure outs hi...
The only daughter of Santa Claus (Barry Bostwick "Spin City") wants to experience the "real world" before she must marry the son of Jack Frost and take over the family business. Ca...
剧情惊险恐怖,环环相扣。高中生艾利克斯-伯朗宁(德文?萨瓦 Devon Sawa 饰)与7名同班同学登机前往巴黎。起飞前,他突然预感到恐怖的一幕:飞机将会在空中爆炸。艾利克斯非常惊恐,大喊飞机即将出事,大家要立刻下机,结果混乱中他和其余6名乘客被机组人员赶了出来。但是,被艾利克斯不幸言中,飞机在半空中爆炸,全部人员罹难。
老头子Woody(布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern 饰)收到一份广告,上面说他中了一百万大奖,对此他深信不疑,更决定从蒙大拿的比灵斯市步行到内布拉斯加的林肯市去领奖。他的妻子和两个儿子多次劝阻未果,最终小儿子David(威尔·福特 Will Forte 饰)决定开车载着他到林肯去领奖。去林肯的路上他们经过了Woody的老家,便决定去拜访那些久未谋面的亲戚们。Woody一家在那里短暂停留的几天里,...