Michael and Madison Roland had planned to spend the rest of their lives together, until one day Michael's controlling ways turned their perfect marriage. With the help of her best friend, Madison deci...
NBC宣布预订生存专家Bear Grylls开发的另一部野外求生竞技真人秀(6集)——去年NBC曾播出Bear Grylls开发的《Get Out Alive》,同样为野外求生节目。新节目命名为《Running Wild With Bear Grylls》,Bear G rylls将带领一群名人到偏僻的地方完成为期48小时的探险任务。名人们将在卡茨基尔山进行空中杂技跳伞,在犹他州用吊绳垂降悬崖...
In the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre that took the lives of 20 first graders and their teachers, local clergymen Father Bob Weiss receives a letter from a fellow priest in D...
著名主持人大卫·莱特曼联合Netflix打造的系列剧集《我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名》(My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman)发布先导预告,一探主持节目的台前幕后。1月12日播出首集,共6集,二月—六月每月播出一集。莱特曼采访过的名人多不胜数,乔治·克鲁尼、马拉拉·优素福·扎伊、Jay-Z、蒂娜·菲、霍华德·斯特恩以及美国前总...