The life of cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond. From the streets of Budapest to Hollywood he describes his out of the ordinary journey. Many performers, including John Travolta and Nancy Allen, and famou...
故事发生在1845年,西部大迁徙的步伐刚刚迈出,想要穿越那片荒芜而又充满了凶险的蛮荒之地,除了需要足够的勇气和运气之外,智慧必不可少。三个家庭决定离开故土,寻找新的生活,为了自保,他们找到了一位名叫米克(布鲁斯·格林伍德 Bruce Greenwood 饰)的向导,希望他能够护送他们安全抵达目的地。 然而,当众人在米克所谓的近路上渐行渐远之时,越来越荒凉的景象和越来越陌生的环境让他们知道,他们迷...
Blumhouse制片公司过去宣布把电影《人类清除计划 The Purge》开发成一部电视剧集,《人类清除计划》电影系列首部作在2013年上映,后来出了兩部票房十分成功的续集(第四集《人类清除计划4 The First Purge》已定于本年上映),而剧集版由Blumh ouse电视部门拍摄,定于美国时间9月4日在USA及Syfy同时播出(两台皆在NBC旗下)。...
When FBI Agent Zack Stewart is killed, Agent John Ripley takes over the three cases he was working on, hoping one will lead to his killer. The first involves gangster Joe Walpo and Ripley finds his hi...
By After an accident, Tom wakes from a coma to discover that fragments of his smart phone have been embedded in his head, and worse, that returning to normal teenage life is impossible because he has ...
茱莉亚(Cathleen Nesbitt 饰)年事已高,家财万贯,可是没有子嗣,也就没有名正言顺的继承者,为此,她找到了女巫师布兰奇(芭芭拉·哈里斯 Barbara Harris 饰)。茱莉亚告诉布兰奇,她的妹妹曾有一个私生子,被她送给别人抚养,如今,她想找到这个可怜的孩子,让他继承家产。
就这样,布兰奇和情人乔治(布鲁斯·邓恩 Bruce Dern 饰)一起展开了调查,得知领养茱莉亚外甥的那...