《低俗小说》由“文森特和马沙的妻子”、“金表”、“邦妮的处境”三个故事以及影片首尾的序幕和尾声五个部分组成。看似独立的小故事里面,却又有环环相扣的人和事。 盗贼“小南瓜”和“小兔子”在早餐店里打劫,却遇上了天大的麻烦——黑社会成员朱尔斯(塞缪尔•杰克逊Samuel L. Jackson饰)和文森特(约翰•特拉沃尔塔John Travolta饰)在店内用餐,可谓天外有天。二人是否会放过两名小盗贼?...
Pic watches as divorcee Xan (Desiree Staples) gathers her close friends to celebrate her impending split, only to reveal she intends to burn her divorce settlement money to start fresh. Chaos ensues a...
American Charlotte Dobler is a master chocolatier in Vienna, she having taken over historic Dobler Chocolates from her now deceased grandmother. She is facing an eviction of sorts from that historic s...