Green Wing is an award-winning British sitcom set in the fictional East Hampton Hospital. There are no medical storylines; the action is produced by a series of soap opera-style twists and turns in...
著名主持人大卫·莱特曼联合Netflix打造的系列剧集《我的下位来宾鼎鼎大名》(My Next Guest Needs No Introduction With David Letterman)发布先导预告,一探主持节目的台前幕后。1月12日播出首集,共6集,二月—六月每月播出一集。莱特曼采访过的名人多不胜数,乔治·克鲁尼、马拉拉·优素福·扎伊、Jay-Z、蒂娜·菲、霍华德·斯特恩以及美国前总...
Part 1 Origin of Brexit Part 2 The effects on the EU of Obama Overthrow of U.S. Ally President Gaddaffi destabilized Africa refugees fleeing to EU December 2011 Obama's Syrian Rebels of Al Quada...