妻子度假期间,丈夫理查德·沙尔曼(汤姆·伊威尔 Tom Ewell 饰)因为一次花盆事件,结识了三楼邻居、电视广告明星(玛丽莲·梦露 Marilyn Monroe 饰)。对方如洋娃娃般的美貌,令这个已婚男人为之倾倒,并且在一次酒会上,在她弹钢琴的时候,坐在她的 旁边,作出了不雅的举动。事后,汤姆陷入了深深的懊恼之中,他求教于心理医生,对方指出他的病症,引诱他付高价诊治。汤姆没有理会,开始自己的心理...
With Elaine away with her boyfriend, Martin finds himself with a new receptionist in the form of her cousin, Pauline who arrives unannounced. He assists his aunt Joan by examining her friend, Muriel S...
Martin deals with the case of a young girl who has been acting out. When Louisa Glasson mentions Ritalin to the mother, Martin tries to point out that she is not qualified to give that kind of advice....
Martin drives Louisa and their baby son back to her house in Portwenn,where the locals bring them presents. Diana Dibbs, Martin's nervous replacement,has already arrived,with her husband Gavin as ...
《童话归来 Once Upon a Time》的Robert Carlyle及《王冠 The Crown》的Victoria Hamilton将主演政治题材6集Sky One英剧《内阁作战室 Cobra》。这部Ben Richards负责执笔的剧集主角为英国首相Robert Sutherland(Robert Carlyle饰)及总参谋长Anna Marshall(Victoria Hamilto...