克里斯·法拉德(马克·沃尔伯格 Mark Wahlberg 饰)曾是无所不能的走私高手,如今已金盆洗手,与妻子凯特(凯特·贝金赛尔 Kate Beckinsale 饰)和两个儿子过着隐世生活。直到有一天,凯特的弟弟安迪搞砸了一单毒品交易,凶残无情的老板蒂姆·布里格斯(吉奥瓦尼·瑞比西 Giovanni Ribisi 饰)威胁要让他们付出惨痛代价。为了帮安迪还清债款,克里斯只好重出江湖,召集了老搭档...
Followed by Paul Sturges as he goes on vacation to Bahia Azul with his family. From the very depths of the sea rises a huge megalodon known only by its name The Black Demon....
On the eve of June 28th, 2011 Swedish journalists Martin Schibbye and Johan Persson put everything at stake by illegally crossing the border from Somalia into Ethiopia. After months of research, pla...
故事发生在第二次世界大战刚刚结束之后,一切都是百废待兴的样子。士兵查尔斯(范·强生 Van Johnson 饰)在完成了自己身为一名军人的使命之后,决定留在巴黎,进军文艺界,成为一名作家。在巴黎,查尔斯邂逅了海伦(伊丽莎白·泰勒 Elizabeth Taylor 饰)和玛丽安(唐娜·里德 Donna Reed 饰)姐妹两,很快,查尔斯便和海伦坠入了爱河,两人结为夫妻,并且有了他们爱情的结晶。 ...