该剧改编自马修·奎克的同名小说,第一季结尾,FBI基层探员彼得·苏德兰(加布里埃尔·巴索 Gabriel Basso 饰)因拯救总统而立下大功。本季中,他将正式成为暗夜行动的一分子,然而,加入这个绝密组织,也意味着投身危机四伏、尔虞我诈的世界。...
老鸟警探(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰)带领警探(克里斯·洛克 Chris Rock 饰)调查惨绝人寰的连环杀警案,“拼图杀人魔”重出江湖的传言,再度勾起所有人心中的恐惧。这次新的游戏规则,似乎直冲警察而来。每个命案现场留下的“死亡漩涡”,将把他们卷进难以抽身的血腥深渊之中…… 《电锯惊魂》第九部由第8部的两位编剧皮特·古德芬格和乔什·斯托伯格撰写剧本。执导了《电锯惊魂...
A political thriller.
The film tells the story of an MEP who is shocked by the mystery-shrouded dismissal of the European Health Commissioner and who subsequently throws himself into a full-blown c...
Discover what happens inside FC Barcelona, one of the most popular and successful sport clubs in the world, experience how the matches are lived inside the dressing room, enjoy the victories with the ...
Discover what happens inside FC Barcelona, one of the most popular and successful sport clubs in the world, experience how the matches are lived inside the dressing room, enjoy the victories with the ...