俄美两国策划一起反恐行动,派出特种部队擒获了掌握核武器的哈萨克王国独裁者伊万•雷迪克将军(Jurgen Prochnow 饰)。数周后的庆功宴上,曾为越战老兵的美国总统詹姆斯•马舍尔(哈里森•福特Harrison Ford 饰)针对恐怖分子和独裁政权发表了强硬而精彩的演说。莫斯科之旅圆满结束,总统一家及其政要乘空军一号返回美国,同行的还有艾格(加里•奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)带队的俄...
Bryant (Michael Jai White), a man with a mysterious past moves to a small Mexican border-town to start over and live the simple life. While there, he reluctantly befriends a troubled local teen who ...
入围塔林电影节影评人之选竞赛。 Masterfully orchestrated – with only a small budget, the setting basically consisting of a table, two chairs, two persons talking, one mysterious manuscript and some little food in-...