В ходе испытаний сверхскоростного самолета на новом источнике энергии изобретатель и бизнесмен Итан Блэйк и его брат Джейкоб оказываются на острове, не отмеченном на картах. Там они сталкиваются с т...
Terminally ill Janette wants to die with dignity, but it’s not possible in the UK, where she lives. She therefore decides for assisted suicide. She must plan her journey to Switzerland before her ra...
The story of Antoine Leiris, who lost his beloved wife Hélène in the terrorist attack on the Paris "Bataclan". In a moving Facebook post, he counters the assassins' hatred with his lov...
Golden Bear winner Peter Mackie Burns has started shooting his London-set debut feature Daphne, production company The Bureau has revealed. Emily Beecham [pictured] - who features in the cast of Be...