TS(杰瑞米·伦敦 Jeremy London 饰)的一句戏言导致女友博兰蒂不得不参加她父亲的电视相亲节目,而这也使他们的旅行计划泡汤,愤怒的TS甩手而去,找到老友鲍迪(杰森·李 Jason Lee 饰)寻求安慰。鲍迪的情况也很糟糕,女友蕾娜厌倦了他无所事事沉迷于漫画和电子游戏,果断分手去寻找浪漫爱情。失意的TS与鲍迪选择逛商场排遣烦闷,然而这里也不让人舒畅!博兰蒂父亲的电视节目正在这里搭台准备录...
A straight-laced young woman, in fierce denial of being diagnosed with terminal melanoma, finds herself carried away on an impulsive adventure by a queer stranger....
Patrick Davenant invites a group of friends to visit a theater inside his villa, a place which later reveals itself as sinister. Within a short time, the guests realize that they are trapped in the vi...
The son of a sheriff falls in love with runaway bootlegger's daughter in the Appalachian mountains of Kentucky. After discovering a dark family secret, he is forced to choose between protecting hi...